пятница, 13 июля 2018 г.

The future of C#

The future of C#

We're back! With C# 7.0 and Visual Studio 2017 just recently shipped, we paint the big picture: let's lay out where the C# language and tooling experience is ...
GOTO 2016 • Why You Should Take Another Look at C# • Mads Torgersen. Bashar | C# Single Tone 432Hz Tuning | The Resonant Tone of Earth, slightly above C# - See SHARP. Designing Wonderful .NET APIs - James Newton-King. What's New in Visual Studio 2017. Modern front-end web development in Visual Studio 2017. Top 5 C# 7.0 Features in Visual Studio 2017. Design Patterns: Command/Memento. Go Serverless with Azure Functions and C#. A Beginner’s Guide To Quantum Computing. C# Tutorial. Building Web APIs with ASP.NET Core 2.0. Building cross-platform mobile apps using C# and Visual Studio 2015. Make a Simple Android App - Xamarin Android Tutorial. Visual Studio Code: The most useful (and underused) tips and tricks. What's new in C# 6.0. What's new in C# | T122. Por qué aprender C#. Web Apps can’t really do *that*, can they? - Steve Sanderson. What's New in C# 7. Should you learn C# in 2017. Xamarin Forms Tutorial: Build Native Mobile Apps with C#. C# WPF UI Tutorials: 01 - The Basics. Create Login Window in C# step by step. .NET Core and Visual Studio for Mac. C# tutorial for beginners. Unit Testing Tutorial for C# Developers. Intro to WPF: Learn the basics and best practices of WPF for C#. 1. How to program in C# - BASICS - Beginner Tutorial. The Incredible Homes of The Top 10 Richest People. The Why of Go. Microservice architecture with ASP.NET Core. Pushing C# to the limit - Joe Albahari. Creating a C# Application: From idea to finished product. Top 10 C# Best Practices (plus bonuses).

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